Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Hello dear readers. I want to apologize for my lack of blogging in recent months. I am a recent newlywed and with the honeymoon and wedding, coupled with the increase in new customers for the new year, my blogging has taken a back seat.

Please feel free to follow me on Twitter. You can find me at http://twitter.com/caseykraus where I send small notes and updates daily.

Just and update from our sales department, all of our Sales Managers, our Executive Vice President, and President have been heavily involved in sales this fall. We have brought on many clients both large and small to round out the year. Despite talks of recession in the country, TempWorks had a very successful year and has a great outlook for 2010.

There are many things that contributed to the successful year. Our developers have worked hard to ensure that Enterprise is on the leading edge of technology and pushed the limits of staffing software. Our implementation had completed many successful implementations and ensure customer satisfaction for all of our new partners. We have introduced payroll processing and payroll funding to make TempWorks a more complete package for prospects. The list really goes on and on.

One thing to keep in mind is that TempWorks always has and will always be a service company first. To end the latest installment on my blog I want to leave you with a letter I recently received from a new client:

"I have contacted several companies to find the best software that fit our needs. Your account executive went over in detail how your system worked and the benefits that your system had that would fit our company's needs, he was excellent and gave me the best presentation of all the companies that I had contacted. I would also like to personally thanks Todd Glander for his patience in explaining the TempWorks program to our office staff. He was superb and made it all the difference in getting our staff started in a positive way."

If you feel we can help you and your organization in anyway, we are always available. You can reach me personally at 651.452.0366 or on my email: casey@tempworks.com